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Turning climate-related information into added value for traditional MEDiterranean Grape, OLive and Durum wheat food systems



December 2019

Dear Madame or Sir,

Thank you for being part of the MED-GOLD community! We send you our third newsletter. In the following sections you will find a summary of the new project steps undertaken, with special attention to the recently held MED-GOLD General Assembly and stakeholder workshop in Cagliari (Italy) and a list of announcements of activities that could be of interest.

We would like to take the opportunity to wish you merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year!

Happy reading!


Third stage of the project:

Tailoring the MED-GOLD sectoral tools

In the previous stage of the project, a proposal of the climate services tools (beta version) developed for the olive/olive oil, grape/wine and durum wheat/pasta sectors was presented to the users to gather their feedback. For that, MED-GOLD organised dedicated focus groups and workshops for the three sectors.

The climate services tools have been recently presented at the open stakeholder workshop ‘Adapting Mediterranean agriculture to climate change’, organised as a pre-event of the MED-GOLD General Assembly in October 2019 in Cagliari (Italy).

From top to bottom: Project partners at the MED-GOLD General Assembly and Open Stakeholder Workshop, October 2019, Cagliari (Italy)

During this third stage of the project, the feedback received in previous events has been used by partners to tailor the sectoral tools taking into account users’ suggestions in terms of: usefulness of the information included in the tools, preferred visualization formats of climate information, and layers of information needed (essential climate variables, bioclimatic indicators and risk indices), among others. A tailored version of the tools for each of the sectors will be presented at the beginning of next year to the same users that participated in previous workshops, to assess their usability and acceptance among the business sector community.

More information




Info sheet: Climate services for the coffee sector


Our fourth info sheet for coffee is online and available in different languages! Remember that you can find other info sheets for grapes/wine, olives/olive oil and durum wheat/pasta on our website.

Download coffee info sheet»


Summer school: Turning climate information into value for traditional Mediterranean agri-food systems


Early career scientists as well as professionals and people interested in the areas of climate science, agriculture, economy, social sciences and communication are encouraged to join the upcoming MED-GOLD summer school, taking place from May 25-29 in Cagliari, Italy.

Summer school information and registration »


Webinar: Time horizons of climate services for agriculture


Want to know the difference among weather forecasts, seasonal predictions and climate projections and how they can benefit agricultural managerial and planning decisions? Join our second webinar!

Information on the webinar, planned for the beginning of 2020, will be uploaded soon.

Webinar information »


In the media: MED-GOLD stakeholder workshop on the radio and TV


The open workshop with local stakeholders ‘Adapting Mediterranean agriculture to climate change’ organised in Cagliari (Italy) appeared on regional media, including Radio Kalaritana and Sardegna UNO TV channel.

Watch the TV recording (in Italian) »

Listen to radio podcast (in Italian) »


Events with MED-GOLD presence

June 24-25, 2019

Second International Conference ADAPTtoCLIMATE »
Heraklion (Greece)

Project partners (K.V. Varotsos and C. Giannakopoulos, NOA) presented MED-GOLD results in the talk entitled ‘Climate change impacts in the Mediterranean food system: results of the MED-GOLD project for the case of olives in Andalusia’. The conference was held under the LIFE ADAPT2CLIMA project, whose main focus area is the adaptation of the agricultural sector to climate change.


September 9-13, 2019

European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting »
Copenhagen (Denmark)

Project partners (Alessandro Dell’Aquila, ENEA and K.V. Varotsos, NOA) participated to the conference with the oral presentation ‘Development of climate services from the user perspective: the MED-GOLD experience’ and a poster entitled ‘Mediterranean agro-climate projections and the case of olives in Andalucia: results from the MED-GOLD project’, showing the results of MED-GOLD climate projections for the olive oil sector.

Photo by, EMS

October 23-25, 2019

CLIMRISK2019 - Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC) Annual Meeting »
Trento (Italy)

Project coordinator (Alessandro Dell’Aquila, ENEA) presented MED-GOLD activities at the conference, which is an important interdisciplinary platform for new advances and research results in the fields of science and management of climate change.


November 9-12, 2019

Mercato Mediterraneo »
Rome (Italy)

The project coordinator (S. Calmanti, ENEA) presented MED-GOLD as a discussion support platform with tools for climate resilience and adaptation at Mercato Mediterraneo, the hub of Mediterranean food culture.


 Photo by ENEA, Mercato Mediterraneo

November 13, 2019

S2S4E Climate Sprint: accelerating climate solutions »
Paris (France)

Project partners (A. Soret, I. Jiménez and I. Vigo, BSC) organised this Climate Sprint event, directed to explore how the Decision Support Tool developed in the S2S4E project for the energy sector could be applied to non-energy sectors including agriculture, tourism and insurance. Examples of decisions taken in the agriculture sector, inspired by the MED-GOLD project, were presented to show the potential exploitation of the tool in this sector.

 Photo by S2S4E, Climate Sprint

December 9-13, 2019

COP25 »
Madrid (Spain)

During her participation to COP25, project partner (I. Vigo, BSC) was interviewed by the Foundation Filantropía Cortés Solari and explained MED-GOLD’s work on climate services for agriculture and how this can specifically help the Chilean agriculture. The Foundation has the mandate to boost integral and sustainable development in Chile.


December 11-12, 2019

VISCA Project General Assembly »
Barcelona (Spain)

Project coordinator (S. Calmanti, ENEA) was invited to attend the General Assembly of our sister project VISCA, to share results and increase synergies between both projects. He presented the upcoming MED-GOLD summer school.


 Photo by VISCA, VISCA General Annual Meeting

December 12, 2019

Digitalisation of new technologies in agri-food »
Antequera (Spain)

The project user for the olive and olive oil sector (J. López, DCOOP) received the visit of the event 'Digitalisation of new technologies in agri-food' in the DCOOP premises. The MED-GOLD project, together from other projects the cooperative is involved in, was presented to show the innovation projects with a deployment of new technologies in the agri-food system.

 Photo by DCOOP


Upcoming Events

February 11-13, 2020

Sixth International Conference on Climate Services (ICCS-6) »
Prune (India)

Project partners will present an overview of the MED-GOLD project and the results of a systematic review on sectorial vulnerabilities.



Giulioni, G., Di Giuseppe, E., Toscano, P., Miglietta, F., Pasqui, M. (2019) A novel computational model of the wheat global market with an application to the 2010 Russian Federation case. Journal of Artificial Societies & Social Simulation, 22 (3).

Di Giuseppe, E., Pasqui, M., Magno, R., Quaresima, S. (2019) A counting process approach for trend assessment of drought conditions. Hydrology 6 (4): 84.

Solaraju-Murali, B., Caron, L.-P., González-Reviriego, N., Doblas-Reyes, F.J. (2019) Multi-year prediction of European summer drought conditions for the agricultural sector. Environmental Research Letters 14 (12).

Ponti, L., Gutierrez, A., Boggia, A., Neteler, M. (2018) Analysis of grape production in the face of climate change. Climate 6 (2): 20.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 776467
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Image credits: Nathan Dumlao, Polina Rytova, Adam Tinworth and Gozha Net
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